Bachata / Mar – 20h

CHF 30.00CHF 320.00

Les mardis à 18h, durée 60 minutes.


Cours donné par Eli


Dancing - and learning to dance - is an experience that everyone should have in life, in fact anyone who has done it will tell you that they started for some reasons, but eventually continued for others!

The simple fact that it makes us change our ideas, particularly about ourselves, makes it an experience that shouldn't be run from.

Salsa and Bachata are the most popular and most danced Caribbean dances in the world, and the recipe for this lasting success is easy to say: on the one hand their music is enthralling (pressing energy for the salsa, sensuality for the bachata) and on the other that music creates a great synergy in the dancing couple.

They are two different styles, but complementary for different reasons: if salsa is more technical, speed and total freedom, bachata is attention towards the partner and total control; despite this apparent distance, the two styles have in common many theoretical bases and movements; finally, but perhaps also the most important reason, when we go to dance in the night, we will see how both genres are proposed, so it’s better know both to not miss any part of the fun!